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One Life Racing still achieving high standards!


Well done to all those involved in making sure One Life Racing still meets the club quality standards for both adults and children, achieving STAR and CLUB Mark status one again! Keep up the good work!

What is the CLUB Mark Scheme?Sport England Clubmark

CLUB Mark Is a national accreditation from Sport England and sits across most sports. It has been very successful since its launch in 2002. CLUB Mark is for junior clubs and those that achieve it ensure members are attending quality sessions within a safe environment.

Clubmark sets criteria in the following categories:-

  • Triathlon Welfare and Child Protection

  • Coaching and competition

  • Knowing your club & its community

  • Club management

What is the STAR Club Scheme?

STAR Mark is a club development tool for Senior Triathlon clubs. It has been developed in consultation with clubs around the country and is based on the very successful Clubmark scheme.

To gain accreditation, clubs must fulfil criteria in the areas of:

  • Club Management

  • Coaching and Competition

  • Sports Equity and Ethics

  • Health and Safety

Achievement of the above criteria will indicate that the club has reached a minimum level of standards and will be recognised by triathletes, sports professionals and the community as a quality Triathlon Club.

Every three years this critera is re-assessed to make sure the club are still running to the same standard and can continue usuing the mark of quality logo.

Is your club interested?

If your club would like to find out more about the STAR or CLUB Mark scheme, contact your Regional Manager, Michelle Scott.  If you decide to go ahead with the scheme you will need to complete a registration form and send it to your Regional Manager. You will then receive your STAR pack which will include full instructions, evidence file, support notes, helpful templates and information sheets that will help you through the process. You will have up to a year to fulfil all the criteria, with support from your Regional Manager to assist you where needed.

As soon as you have completed your evidence file and it has been assessed by Triathlon England, your club will receive the certificate and logo. 

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