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Northeast Junior Grand Prix Standings


Best of 5....

The latest grand prix standings following Alnick Junior Triathlon on Sunday 3rd July.  


Scores to date with two triathlons and two best scoring non triathlon events as per the 2016 rules. Results; best of 5


These results are provisional and if anybody believes that they are eligible for points and have not been allocated any, please get in touch with Richie Smith the Junior Series Co-ordinator.


A spreadsheet of the results can be downloaded from the Northeast Junior Series page, along with a list of the upcoming events.  Next up is One Life Hexham Junior Triathlon on Sunday 17th July.  Good Luck!


Reminder of the rules.....

For this season you need 5 races to count of which a minimum of 3 must be triathlons of which one of those must be an open water.

With this in mind we have kept only your two best scores from the first three non triathlon races.

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