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View your pictures from the Games


Capture those memorable moments of the Games, and share your pictures with British Triathlon on our new online photo gallery to celebrate London 2012.

Triathlon is one of the few free-to-view sports during the London 2012 Olympic Games, with much of Hyde Park open and un-ticketed during the events. The women’s race takes place on Saturday 4 August at 9am and the men’s on Tuesday 7 August at 11:30am. 

British Triathlon is looking for images from those who enjoy the events at home, in Hyde Park or at one of the eight Triathlon Live sites around the UK. The new photo gallery will enable triathlon fans to share their images with the sport on twitter using the #triathlon. Any images that British Triathlon re-tweets will appear on the gallery.
Get tweeting and share your memorable moments from the Games.
To view the gallery, visit

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