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GO TRI Active Virtual Cycling Session Free Demo


If you are fairly new to cycling and want a new experience or simply want to escape the colder temperatures then come along to one of three cycling sessions taking place across the city of Nottingham during November.

Come and join in for this FREE GO TRI Active cycling session. Aimed at those new to cycling or thinking about getting into triathlon. This brand new virtual studio, bikes and technology will give you an alternative workout and get you out of the cold over the winter months.

The workout will last for 30 minutes and you can take it as easy or as fast as you like. 

You will be cycling on an indoor spin bike infront of a virtual screen and be able to see your class mates / friends cycling alongside you infront of your eyes!

Instructors will be on hand to set up your bike if needed and offer you guidance and information about the programme.

Booking is essential so sign up, bring a friend along and find out what its all about on this free demo session.

Victoria Leisure Centre 6th November 6pm-7pm

Nottingham Tennis Centre 8th November 6.30pm-7.30pm

Southglade Leisure Centre 15th November 6pm-7pm

For those who are members of a trithalon or cycling club, details of a dedciated free demo session for you are coming soon!

Thanks to our Partners

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