Ashville College
Green Lane
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is more than 20m from first stage
The friendliest family sprint triathlon in North Yorkshire. Calling all triathletes, families, and friends to Harrogate Triathlon! This event is perfect for all levels, from seasoned athletes to those new to the sport.
Sprint Triathlon
The sprint triathlon consists of a 420m pool swim, a 24km undulating road bike course, and a 4.6km undulating grass run. The swim start is staggered based on estimated swim time, so everyone has a fair chance to compete.
Mixed Team Relay
If you're looking for a fun and challenging way to race with friends or family, the mixed team relay is perfect for you. Teams of three will compete in the swim, bike, and run legs.
Junior Swim Run
For the younger triathletes, there is also a junior race. These races will include a pool swim, 15m to transition and a flat, grass run route
Cycing bottle and goodies for everyone taking part. Prizes are available for age groups, see our entry portal today for more details.