The British Triathlon Swim Bike Run Leader Award is designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead guided swims, bike rides and runs for groups of beginners and intermediate level adults and children. The course follows a blended learning approach, comprising four self-led online learning modules of approximately 1 hour each and 2 x 2-hour online workshop facilitated by a tutor.
Pre-requisites and Eligibility Criteria
Minimum age of 14 years.
Confident and competent in at least one discipline (open water swimming, cycling, running).
Essential, core or ultimate membership.
What will I learn?
The self-led online learning modules and online workshop will help you to understand:
The requirements of the Award and the process.
The role of the Swim Bike Run Leader.
How to plan safe and effective activity.
How to lead safe and effective activity.
How to review and reflect on activity.
Format and Duration
Pre-work: 4 modules of online learning taking approximately 3-4 hours.
Tutor facilitated 2 x 2-hour online workshop.
There is no formal assessment, but learners aged 18 and above are expected to complete the full course and attend a UKCoaching Safeguarding Workshop to be certificated.
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