Nominate your Unsung Hero


There’s less than a week to nominate individuals in your triathlon community for the BBC Unsung Hero and Captain Tom Young Unsung Hero of the Year awards.

Triathlon clubs, events and activities rely heavily on the work of volunteers, with the demands on them even greater in 2020 due to the restrictions in place as a result of Covid-19.

The BBC are once again searching for those volunteers who have had a positive impact in their local communities over the past 12 months, with the Captain Tom Young Unsung Hero of the Year Award specifically for those volunteers aged 15 and under.

Throughout the pandemic, volunteers of all kinds have enabled swim, bike, run to continue by supporting members of the triathlon community to train, compete and remain engaged socially, as well as attract new people into the sport with creative and innovative challenges and opportunities to get involved with.

Since the suspension on triathlon activity was lifted, clubs and events across the country have returned in person, with a lot of the work taking place behind the scenes to ensure safety paperwork and protocols are in line with new guidelines before sessions can take place.

Nominees for both awards are judged by your BBC nation or region before four English winners and the winners from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in each category go before a judging panel to determine the overall winners.

You can find out more about the two awards and nominate on the BBC Sport website below.


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