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IRC Selection

The South East IRC team 2024!

TriStar 3 Boys

Oliver Goodman (Team Bodyworks), Oliver Brophy (Team Bodyworks), Theo Liasides, Matthew van Zyl and reserve Blair Hope

TriStar 3 Girls

Kitty Scott (MedwayTri), Sophie Richmond (Weald Tri Club), Molly Burton (Team Bodyworks), Felicity Croucher and reserve Lexie Roach

TriStar 2 Boys

William Guy (Team Bodyworks), Jago Dinnage (Weald Tri Club), Eli Clayton, Levi Pearce (Chichester Tri Club) and reserve Elliott Guy (Team Bodyworks)

TriStar 2 Girls

Sophie Keeble, Flavia Hitchings (MedwayTri), Kate Yepez (MedwayTri), Annabelle van Zyl and reserve Lana Povey (Team Bodyworks)

Well done to all those selected and those that took part in the region’s selection events.  Good luck to our 2024 IRC Team!


Qualify for the South East Team

To be eligible for selection to the IRC Team, athletes must be members of Triathlon England with South East on their Membership Card.

The 2024 criteria for South East region representation are designed and will be applied to ensure that the best athletes can be taken to the Inter Regional Championships (IRCs) being held on September 14th and 15th at Mallory Park in Leicestershire.  In 2024, the format for the IRCs for will be heats and finals and there will also be an opportunity for selected athletes to race in a mixed relay triathlon event.

There will be two selection events.  Athletes wishing to be selected should enter BOTH of these events. 

Date OF EVENT Event Entry link
23rd June 2024 Ocean Lake Junior Aquathlon (Lake Swim) Entries open
7th July 2024 Chelmsford Discovey Childrens Triathlon Entries open

Selection Criteria

In 2024, the format for the IRCs for will be heats and finals meaning that all athletes will race twice on the day over  distances similar to the following (2024 distances to be confirmed but are likely to be):

TS2:  Heat 300m swim/1.2km run + Final 300m swim/1.2km run

TS3:  Heat 300m swim/2.6km bike/1.2km run + Final 300m swim/2.6km bike/1.2km run

Because of this format and the distances being raced, the following selection criteria will be used:

  1. Ocean Lake Junior Aquathlon 23rd June 2024 and Chelmsford Discovery Children’s Triathlon 7th July will be IRC qualification events.
  2. Points will be awarded to athletes based on the winning time at each event (with the winner receiving 1000 points).  Points from both events will be combined. 
  3. For TS2, 50% of the points from the triathlon will be added to 50% of the points from the aquathlon.  For TS3, 75% of the points from the triathlon will be added to 25% of the points from the aquathlon to reflect the fact that both IRC events for TS3 are triathlons albeit with a very short bike leg. 
  4. TS3 Age Group.  The top 3 athletes, using this formula, will automatically qualify for the IRC team providing that the scores of the 2nd and 3rd placed athlete are no lower than 95% of the top placed South East athlete.  If the score of the 2nd or 3rd placed athlete is lower than 95% then Clause 5 selection process will apply.
  5. TS3 Age Group.  The 4th selection place is a discretionary selection place, based on but not limited to, performances at 2024 TESE Junior Race Series events. The selection panel will be made up of the IRC Team Manager, the Regional Academy Head Coach and the Regional Committee chairman.  
  6. TS2 Age Group.  The top 3 athletes, using this formula, will automatically qualify for the IRC team providing that the scores of the 2nd and 3rd placed athlete are no lower than 95% of the top placed South East athlete.  If the score of the 2nd or 3rd placed athlete is lower than 95% then Clause 7 selection process will apply.
  7. TS2 Age Group.  The 4th selection place is a discretionary selection place, based on but not limited to, performances at 2024 TESE Junior Race Series events. The selection panel will be made up of the IRC Team Manager, the Regional Academy Head Coach and the Regional Committee chairman.
  8. The top South East athlete’s scores at each event should be no lower than 97% of the winning athlete.  If the score is lower then Clause 5 or 7 will be applied.
  9. The IRC team will be announced after the Chelmsford Discovery Children’s Triathlon on 7th July.
  10. If a race is cancelled or deemed not to have met the level of quality that is required from a IRC selection race, then race performances at 2024 TESE Junior Race Series events and Junior Race Series events from other regions will be considered by the selection panel made up of the IRC Team Manager, the Regional Academy Head Coach and the Regional Committee chairman.   

If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]

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