West Midlands

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Club Membership Offer


We can help to ensure that members of British Triathlon Affiliated Clubs are protected for training and racing all year round.

Did you know that club insurance cover doesn’t extend to individual club members? A simple way to ensure club members are protected, is to encourage them to sign up for British Triathlon Home Nation membership. 

If you can get 5 or more club members who do not currently have British Triathlon individual membership together, you will qualify for a discount!

This bulk offer is our way of helping ensure that members of British Triathlon Affiliated Clubs are protected for training and racing all year round. If clubs sign up five or more club members for British Triathlon Home Nation membership (Triathlon England, Welsh Triathlon or Triathlon Scotland) members can take advantage of the discount prices. This offer is for new members only.

Speak to your club committee about applying for this offer.

More details can be found here 


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