
Meet the athletes

Want to find out more about Great Britain's elite stars?

Get to know some of British Triathlon’s elite squad and hear about how they got into triathlon

Race Series

Adult Regional Events

The region allocates regional championship status or league status to a number of events that take place in the region. There is also a regional relay championship event.

Regional Relays Regional League Regional Championships

Junior Regional Events

Triathlon England consider children to be the most important focus to guarantee its future as a positive and successful organisation. As such the region contributes to the overall national plan by running a race series throughout the season and an academy for our most promising youths and juniors.

Junior Series

Inter-Regional Championships

A national initiative in which each region pits its best 16 tristars (categories Tristar 2 and 3) against the other regions for the honour of the region being called the Inter Regional Champions. The Eastern Region specify a number of races that constitute the qualification events for places in this prestigious event.

Find out more about the selection process for 2023 HERE

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