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Nominations deadline for TE Awards


Wednesday 4 September is the last day you can nominate for the TE awards and ensure the South West is in with a chance.

Nominate an event or individual in one of the following categories:

1. Young Volunteer of the Year
2. Volunteer of the Year
3. Technical/Moto Official of the Year
4. Children's Coach of the Year
5. Participation Coach of the Year
6. Children's Event of the Year
7. Club Event of the Year
8. Commercial Event of the Year

Other awards on offer:

1. Club of the Year
2. GO TRI Organiser of the Year

To nominate or if you have any further queries please visit the website or contact

Its easy to do and won't take you long. It will really make all the hard work the great people of the South West do worth while.

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