West Midlands

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Tri January 2020


We are excited to be announcing that Tri January is back for 2020 working with all our volunteers in making this happen

British Triathlon and GO TRI are excited to be in partnership with Freedom Leisure and many of our clubs and event organisers. 

From Wednesday 1 January, participants will be able to download a free bingo card containing a whole host of health, fitness and triathlon related activities for them to complete during the month.

With bingo cards for both children and adults, participants will be encouraged to tick off activities from their card and share their progress with us on social media as they go.

We will be running lots of GO TRI Active sessions in January for people to book on to!

Thank you to the clubs so far who have supported us by putting some beginner sessions on in January

We have plenty of sessions running across the West Midlands with support from Black Country Triathletes, Tri Team Glos, Chasewater Tr, Langdale Primary School, Malvern Tri and Wrekin Tri plus many more to still be confirmed.

Many events are also being organised with support from Tri Energy, Tewkesbury Tri and Freedom Leisure. 

You can find all the sessions on our GO TRI website

Thanks to our Partners

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