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West Midlands Swim Smooth CPD Course and AGM


Don't miss your chance in our incredible offer. We have the Swim Smooth CPD and AGM together this year all in one afternoon

The Triathlon England West Midlands AGM will be taking place on Sunday 21st October at Tipton Sports & Social Club - the time is TBC (after 3:30pm) and we would encourage all clubs to send a representative to the AGM.
To compliment the AGM The West Midlands Regional Committee have organised a Swim Smooth CPD course (non pool) at Tipton Academy from 13:30-15:30pm, prior to the AGM.
CPD Info:
During the session we'll cover the Swim Smooth Swim Types to identify common stroke flaws and the process to follow including coaching triathletes within a club setting and weekly sessions.
Allocation of Places:
There are a maximum of 30 places available for West Midlands clubs. West Midlands Region are offering this CPD free of charge to clubs with priority allocation for a maximum of one male and one female coach (l1 or L2) per club, subject to a £20 deposit per coach.  The deposit will be refunded following attendance at the course (in other words, the deposit is not refunded if a place is booked and then wasted due to non-attendance).
It’s first come first served basis for each club - further applications can be made but they will not be confirmed until September (after entry to the course closes) when we will know if there are any unallocated places.  If several coaches from one club sign up we will contact the club to advise any further places will be allocated after the closing date.

Please click here to book and find out more 

This CPD course is on the same day as the West Midlands AGM and Awards which course attendees will be encouraged to attend and indulge in our buffet.  West Midlands clubs will have their normal allocation of a free ticket for Awards in any case and there will be an additional free ticket for one coach per club who has attended the CPD course.

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