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TriBB are hosting a Bring & Buy for the DEC Ukraine Appeal.


As part of TriBB's on-going inclusion endeavours and in support of an extremely significant charity, TriBB are hosting a Bring & Buy for the DEC Ukraine Appeal.

It will be held on the 26th March, right before our popular, multi-club Saturday tea time adult coached swim session.

We are encouraging everyone to bring along their unwanted kit to sell with all donations going to support those directly helping the people of Ukraine right now.

It’s also a fantastic opportunity to kit oneself out with some new gear, at a budget price whilst catching up with friends and coming together to do good - our bit to help the DEC’s essential efforts.

Why let your old kit end up in the bin or the bottom of a drawer somewhere when it could be appreciated by a new, loving owner having raised funds for a very current and critical cause.

Small items will be pay as you feel, with more valuable stuff being given a guide price, this will ensure everyone who comes can leave with something useful without breaking the bank... while still contributing to the fundraising total however they can.

Taking part on our home turf of Bramley Baths we have our fingers firmly crossed that this will be a roaring success and tick some big boxes...

  • The sellers; Generating donations for the DEC – our bit to help raise funds for this deserving charity.
  • The buyers; Enabling everyone to get kitted out, no matter their budget. We know triathlon can get pricy and so opportunities to get good gear at a low cost are always welcome.
  • Reducing waste; It can be difficult to know what to do with the stuff you no longer use or need, or even something new that’s not quite right...this bring and buy will give people the chance to make sure non of it goes to waste...

And on the subject of waste, no item will be left behind as we are donating any items not sold to one of our members who runs a charity working with disadvantaged young people.

Thanks to our Partners

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