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  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Accident Legal Service
  • Endorsed for racing abroad


Age Group

Where can I find the competition rules for Age-Group Championships?

Age-Group Championships follow the World Triathlon Competition rules which can be found here. The ETU also have a separate Age-Group section which can be found here.  British Triathlon rules can ber found here.

When will the rolldowns begin?

The rolldown place allocations normally start a few weeks after last quailficaiton date or, after the date which pre-qualified competitors from the current season have to register their intent to qualify. There is no need to contact the Team Manager or Age Group Coordinator to ask when these will begin. We understand competitors need to make plans for the forthcoming season and we will endeavour to begin the rolldowns as soon as possible.

How do I register my intent/I am struggling to register?

You can find out how to register your intent via our “how to qualify” page which outlines the process step by step. 

You can also click on this link to go directly to the GB Age Group World Triathlon and Europe Triathlon event pages.


If you are struggling to register:

Firstly, are you a member of British Triathlon and, do you have the minimum of a Core or Ultimate membership

Secondly, are you moving up an age group next year and, have you checked or your name in your new age group?

Thirdly, have you already registered and have forgotton you have done so? If you check in your age group further down the event page, is your name already on the list of those who have registered their intent to qualify?

How do I pre-qualify?

People taking part in the current World Triathlon/Europe Triathlon championships may be eligeable to quailfy for the following years championships if they finish in a certain position. For information on the specific pre-quaification (PQ) policies, pleae click here. You can take up your pre-qualification place by first registering your intent to qualify and then by emailing the Team Manager and stating; your name, the race you took part in, the age group you competed in, the position you finished and, by stating that you would like to accept your PQ place.

I think my bike/equipment/uniform might be illegal, where can I find out more?

Age-Group Championships follow the World Triathlon Competition rules which can be found here

Can I use the evidence from a race I've just done to qualify for an World Triathlon/Europe Triathlon race?

Sprint and standard duathlon and triathlon have specific qualifying races so unfortunatly you wouldn't be able to use your own race evidence. Aquabike, aquathlon, middle distance triathlon and duathlon and, long distance duathlon and triathlon need you to add your own race results as evidence to qualify. Please follow the guidelines on each individual event webpage. If you have something which you think might be ok but are not sure, please contact the team manager (email is at the top of each webpage) and check with them. 

I cannot compete, do I have to notify anybody to withdraw?

Yes. Please notify your team manager and the age-group team as soon as possible in writing via email. Your team manager’s email address can be found within the championship registration page for your event and/or within your team information emails. It is important that you notify as soon as possible – in many cases your place can then be offered to another athlete.  


Why should we affiliate? What are the benefits of club affiliation?

There are many benefits to club affiliation and we are constantly reveiwing these to support you more.

A full list of the current benefits of affiliation for clubs can be found here.

Why do we have to pay more for having more members?

British Triathlon Club Affiliation affords a wealth of benefits to a club, a key benefit of which is Public Liability club insurance. Unfortunately, due to the nature of having more members there is an increased risk therefore an increased cost to British Triathlon to insure and service the needs of your club.

What are the different categories of club?

British Triathlon have the following club types:

  • Community club
  • Commercial club
  • Closed club
  • Single discipline club

For more information about what defines each club type, please click here to be taken to our club type pages. 

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