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Triathlon London

Triathlon London is the regional committee for the sport of triathlon in London. Its aim is simply to 'foster Triathlon in the region'.


Each of the Triathlon England regions has a committee of volunteers and full-time Regional Manager that work to encourage and support triathlon clubs and events in the region. The aim is to make the very most of the limited time and funds available to ensure first-class opportunities for everybody who wishes to participate in the sport.

The Triathlon London Committee has developed, in consultation with interested parties, a Strategic Plan for 2015-2018. The plan is intended to inform members about, and guide the committee on, the direction of Triathlon London over the next four years in the following key areas:

Triathlon London Committee Executive Officers have voting rights and are responsible for adopting new policy and intiatives that affect the organisation of the region. They also have powers to appoint sub committees as necessary to fulfil these policies. The Committee meets at least 3 times a year.

All Triathlon London Committee Officers are elected by Triathlon London members at the Annual General Meeting held in October/November each year. All Committee Officers automatically retire from office at the AGM (with the exception of the President which is a 3-year term) and are eligible for re-election as detailed in the constitution. The details on the Committee Officers Roles and Responsibilites are outlined here.

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