West Midlands

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Bursary Boost for clubs in the West Midlands


Clubs based in the West Midlands are being offered a bursary to support three coaches or activators of each affiliated club to attend courses to continue their development.

The bursary is designed to help alleviate the potential financial burden that clubs may have experienced throughout the pandemic.

“The safeguarding bursary is the latest West Midlands bursary we are offering to support regional community clubs following the recent British Triathlon safeguarding announcement for coaches and activators,” said regional committee member, Rosa Teagle.

“The pandemic has meant clubs have had to adapt how sessions are planned and delivered as well as develop virtual training, all within national, NGB and local guidelines. The Triathlon England award nominations showed the versatility of club sessions and members engagement during 2020.

“With the potential financial impact of the pandemic, the region wishes to support clubs and show our support in helping clubs attain the required safeguarding for those delivering and leading sessions.”

The current suspension of activity means that now may be the best time to complete virtual training in preparation for in-person club sessions resuming when it is safe to do so.

“As a region we feel the courses being offered to clubs, coaches and activators are important to emphasise that everyone in our sport should have an enjoyable and safe environment, whether as a member, prospective member, parent, or supporter,” said Teagle.

Bursary applications will be taken through emailing the applicants’ names, dates of their course, an email confirmation of payment and club bank details for repayment of the three places to westmidstri@triathlonengland.org.

Applications will close 30 June 2021 and will only be accepted for Triathlon England affiliated Community clubs at the time of application.

For more information regarding safeguarding and DBS, follow the link to our FAQs

You can also view the list of British Triathlon courses by clicking here. 


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