
Welsh Triathlon to deliver a Duathlon Return to Racing Test Event


Welsh Triathlon is excited by the prospect of delivering a test event showcasing the ability for organised sport to be undertaken in a safe and responsible way during the Covid19 crisis.

This test event will be run in line with Welsh Government regulations and guidance and the event specific guidance produced in collaboration with British Triathlon.  The event guidance is a product of months of detailed research by the event permitting team at British Triathlon in consultation with governing bodies in the home nations and event organisers, adapting the way we can deliver triathlon and multisport events in a safe and responsible manner.  As we consider our return to events, we have taking into account the safety of our communities, the participants and the volunteers.  

We welcome the Welsh Governments cautious approach and agreement to allow test events to take place across Wales.  The collaboration across the sporting sector and the opportunity to feed into the Governments three weekly review process has enabled a responsible step return to activity.  This test event at Pembrey Country Park on the 6th September is the next part of that process.  It will be delivered in partnership with Carmarthenshire Council and Pembrey Country Park and it will draw on the expertise of the events industry in Wales.   If these test events prove successful, and provided the state of coronavirus allows, Welsh Government’s intention is to extend the range of small-scale outdoor events as part of the next 21 day review. 

Beverley Lewis CEO Welsh Triathlon said

‘I am delighted that Welsh Triathlon has been asked to deliver a test duathlon event in Pembrey and as part of a phased return for sporting events in Wales.

Existing triathletes, and new cyclists and runners, will be able to enjoy the excitement of duathlon, even though it may look a little bit different, as we deliver a safe, Covid19 Secure event under social distancing rules.’

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