This year’s AGM will be held in person on 4th November at British Triathlon Head Office, Michael Pearson East, 1 Oakwood Drive, LE113QF. 12.30pm-2.30pm AGM followed by Junior Race Series Awards. Refreshments will be provided.
Agenda for the AGM
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of minutes of the previous year’s AGM
- Matters Arising
- Chairperson's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Election of Officers
- Voting on Resolutions
- Date of next meeting
Resolutions at the AGM for purposes other than the election of the committee must be made known to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Voting on resolutions at an AGM other than for the election of Committee Members shall be passed by simple majority of the members present in person and voting at the meeting, determined on a show of hands. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote, in addition to their ordinary vote.
No individual member shall have any right to appoint a non-Triathlon England member proxy to attend, speak or vote at any meeting in their place.
Voting Process
Voting at the AGM will be by means deemed to be appropriate by the Regional Committee, these include but are not limited to voting in person and/or electronic voting.
In respect of resolutions to amend these Regulations, the resolution must require the approval of the TE Council and must be supported by at least 75% of the votes cast.
The following positions will be open for election:
Vice Chair
Regional Officials Co-ordinator
Diversity and Inclusion Co-ordinator (Vacant)
IRC Coordinator
Welfare Officer
Children’s Race Series Co-ordinator
Nominations Process
The following process will be used to nominate Members in the election of Committee Members at the AGM or EGM.
- Any Member, in good standing (good standing is defined as a fully paid up member of Triathlon England may stand for election to the Regional Committee.
- A candidate for election must complete the Triathlon England Regional Committee Election pro forma
- For a valid nomination to go forward, nominations must include: The nominees full name and Triathlon England Membership Number and club name (if applicable)
- Nominations for 2023 will be sent to the Regional Chair by email ([email protected]) or other means and methods approved by the Committee and an acknowledgment of receipt will be issued to the nominee.
- Should the nomination be void for whatever reasonable reason, the rational for being classified as ‘a void nomination’ shall be communicated to the nominee as soon as possible.
- All nominations must be received 7 (seven) days prior to the AGM.
- If a nomination is made by post or by email or other means and methods approved by the Committee and is not received by the Regional Secretary, proof of postage and/or email receipt will not be accepted as a valid nomination. It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that the nomination is received by the Regional Secretary and an acknowledgement of a valid nomination obtained.
Election Process
Each Member shall have one vote in the election of Committee members.
A list of valid nominations shall be published by the Secretary 3 days prior to the AGM or EGM by publishing the Triathlon England Regional Committee Election pro forma for each nominated Member. Nominees shall also be afforded the opportunity to speak for a maximum of two minutes at the AGM or EGM, prior to the casting of votes.
The Chair shall appoint tellers who shall sort votes cast and relay to the Chair. A simple majority of the votes cast shall pass the election of Committee members. In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote, in addition to their ordinary vote.
Any enquiries relating to the AGM should be directed to the Regional Committee Chair.
Kind Regards
Lee Wallhead
Chair of the East Midlands Regional Committee