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Age Group

When will the kit code be sent out?

The unique kit code you need to purchase kit after you have been informed you have qualified for an Europe Triathlon/World Triathlon event will generally be released a few months out from the event. It will be sent out via email to the team so please ensure your email address is kept up to date on your BTF profile.

Age Group Competitions - Terms and Conditions

All Age Group competitions Terms and Conditions are listed below;

2024 UKAD Clean Sport education compeition.

How to enter:
Send your UKAD, World Triathlon, Adel or WADA Clean Sport education certificate to [email protected].
Certificates can be from any of UKADs current online education courses as well as from any World Triathlon, ADEL or WADA online education course and are valid from January 2023 onwards.

Everyone entering will be entered into the draws.
There are 3 free Ultimate* memberships to be won.

The competition opens on 13th May 2024 and closes for the final time on 7th October 2024..
Draws will take place on the following dates 10th June, 5th August, 11th October 2024.
Certificates will be drawn at random and prize winners will be notified by email within 1 week of being drawn

*Only athlete memberships can be provided for your forthcoming membership year, however it will be possible to pay the difference to get an Ultimate Coaches membership if required. No refunds for current membership can be given. Memberships are not exchangeable for cash. 

  • Each athlete can only send in one clean sport education certificate
  • There is no cash alternative to the prize and the prize cannot be transfered to another person.
  • The winner will be notified by direct message though their social media account or, if they are a member of British Triathlon via the email address in their account.
  • The winner's names may be publically announced unless they request their name to be kept annonymous. 
  • The promoter is British Triathlon, PO BOX 25, Loughborough, Leicestershir, LE11 3WX


2024 Age Group Exclusive - Triathlon Olympic Experience

How to enter:

  • Entries must be made through the form sent to members via email. No alternative  mode of entry will be accepted. 
  • 1 entry per British Triathlon Member who has registered to be in the Age Group Team in 2024 or 2025.
  • The competition opens on 12th July 2024 and closes at 9am on 18th July 2024.
  • Winners will be randomly selected and notified by email and announced on Thursday 18th July 2024
  • No entries received after the closing date will be accepted.
  • No cash alternative or ticket alternative can be provided.
  • 1 night of accommodation will be provided through Nirvana.
  • Winners must be a current British Triathlon Home Nation Member.
  • The winner's named will be publicly announced unless they request their name to be kept anonymous. 
  • The promoter is British Triathlon, PO BOX 25, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3WX
  • No BTF Staff are eligible to win.
  • British Triathlon is not responsible if emails are sent straight to junkmail and athletes do not see them until after the competition ends. 
  • We’d love it if you could share your experience with us.

How do the age groups work? what happens when I move up an age category?

Everyone competes in the age group which they are in as of the 31st December each year. This might mean that you are moved up into an age group earlier than you would expect.

When the qualification races take place in the year before the World Triathlon/Europe Triathlon Championships, qualification is based on an athlete's finishing time compared to those athletes in the same age group during the year of the Championships. This means if athletes are moving up into an age group for the Championship year, their qualification is based on where their finishing time places them in the age group they will be racing in during the Championship year. Athletes could finish in the first 4 in their age group but an athlete moving into that age group could push you someone of a qualifying position if their time is faster. Please see point 8.3 in the Terms and Conditions

The Team Manager looking after the event will pick you out of the results because you have registered your intent to qualify and we will have a list of everyone who is moving up an age group for the Championship event. You do not need to let us know you are moving up an age group.

What are the costs involved in competing for the GBR Age Group Team?

Athletes need to pay a registration fee to register their intent to qualify for Championship events, this enables them to be considered for the Great Britain Age-Group Team. For 2025 qualification the registration fee will be  £13.50. This covers the administration for the Age Group Team, administration for qualifying races, office space, other administration costs and bank charges among other essential items and processes.

For events where British Triathlon are sending a Team Manager and/or Support Team athletes will also be required to pay an International Race Fee. For 2025 championships the international race fee will be £25.50. The International Race Fee is in place to cover the costs incurred for the Age-Group Team Support Team. This includes covering the costs of those volunteers who travel to International events. The Team Managers and support staff are volunteers who strive to support you and give up their time all year around.

Athletes  need to pay the race entry fee as set out on the team information emails. It is also mandatory to purchase a GBR Age Group Team tri-suit that complies with World Triathlon rules. 

Athletes need to book their own  flights, accommodation, transfers and all other travel arrangements. Athletes can book their  flights independently or via British Triathlon’s Official Travel and Accommodation Supplier Nirvana.  

In addition to the Home Nation member’s insurance athletes are required to take out medical cover and additional insurance for travelling and racing abroad. 

How do I update my result for multisport events?

You can now update your own result until the registration cut off date or we add a status to your name on the evet webpage.

Only races which don’t have specific qualifying races are able to be updated.

To edit your own result sign into your BTF account.

You will see a box labelled “ITU / ETU Registered - Click here to see the ITU / ETU races you have registered to qualify for”

You will see a list of races you have registered to qualify for where you can update your own result.

Click “edit” to edit your result.

You will see a page similar to that which you completed to register. You can now update your result.

You can also update your emergency contact details.

Any changes you make are permanent and cannot be undone.

If it is past the registration cut off date or, there is a status next to your name, you will not be able to update your own results.

If you update your own result because we have asked you to provide faster time, our comment will remain next to your name until the next registration cut off date.

People who have PQ’d can update their own result but still need to contact their Team Manager or the Age group Coordinator to add their PQ status.

The Age Group Coordinator or Team Manager can still update your result if you ask them to.

Can I change from one Championship team to another?

Qualified places in teams are not allowed to be swapped between Championships. Athletes may qualify for as many different championships as they want to at the same time

How do I change the race result I added to qualify for an World or European Championship race?

To update your race result;

  • Log into your BTF account. 
  • Click on the age-group section of your dashboard.
  • Next hover your cursor over the "My  Account," button at the top of the page. You will see a box labelled  "Age Group Listing" - Click the button to see the races you have registered to qualify for”
  • You will see race/s you have registered for where you are able to update the your race evidence. (Not all races have the ability to edit your race evidence)
  • Edit your race evidence. Please note, once you edit your race evidence it will delete your previous race evidence.

What is Age-Group competition?

British Triathlon delivers different programmes with the aim of identifying and developing athletes with the potential to perform at a world class level. Examples are the Elite Team, The Paratriathlon Team and the Talent Squads. The non-elite format of the National Team is known as the Great Britain Age-Group Team. The Great Britain Age-Group Team allows athletes to compete for European and World Championships medals and titles against fellow competitors within pre-defined age-group categories. These age-group categories are divided by gender and age and are set apart by five year age bands, from 20-24 upwards to 80+. International age-group competition starts at age 16 for sprint distances and 18 for standard distance and long distance.

What sort of athletes are competing for the GB Age-Group Team?

Age-group athletes are a diverse group of people. Some athletes start racing at age-group competitions when they are 16, others start when they are 60. Each athlete will have their own personal goals and motivation for attempting to qualify for the Great Britain Age-Group Team. Some athletes strive to stand on the podium in European or World Championships, for others the ultimate goal is to participate and experience the thrill of competing at international level.  

What are the qualifying times for each age group?

The times needed to qualify for a Great Britain Age-Group Team can vary depending on the competition, the course, the weather and the level of interest for that particular championships and therefore it is not possible to give a time that you will need to achieve to qualify.
For sprint and standard distance championship events the minimum requirement is that you must finish within 120% (European selection) or 115% (World selection) of the winner of your age-group either in a qualification race. For middle and long distances the same performance percentages apply for your nominated race. The exception to this is the ETU Middle distance event which has a qualifying percentage of 115% rather than 120%. This is due to there being no World Triathlon Middle distance event.

Events which are not sprint or standard triathlon or duathlon require athletes to .submit extra evidence which is specific to each event. Please check each event for the details for this.

To work out your percentage of the age-group winner's time convert both times into seconds and then divide your time in seconds by the age-group winner's time in seconds and multiply by 100.

To get an understanding of times required you could look up the previous years results and this would give you an idea of what to aim for for each age group.

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