Club accreditation and development schemes are available to clubs affiliated to their respective Home Nation.
Triathlon England Club Standards and Accreditation
Triathlon England’s TriMark Club accreditation is a mandatory requirement for any junior club affiliating to us.
The aim of the accreditation is to support, sustain and maintain a network of high-quality triathlon clubs. Whilst mandatory for clubs with juniors, the TriMark Club accreditation process is open to all community clubs that are affiliated to Triathlon England.
Regional Managers will work with clubs to get everything in place for TriMark accreditation. Please contact your local Regional Manager here to get started.
Welsh Triathlon Club Development
The Welsh Triathlon club development guide is to help set up and develop a Triathlon club in Wales and ensure that you are given all the support and information required to develop successfully.
Triathlon Scotland Club Development
Clubs are at the heart of triathlon in Scotland and well-organised, pro-active clubs provide a fantastic platform for members to make the most of the sport. We have taken some resources which we hope will be useful to clubs of all shapes and sizes in achieving success in all of the six key areas identified by Triathlon Scotland in their Club Sport Framework.