East Midlands

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Class of September 2018 GO TRI ACTIVE Learn to Swim Front Crawl


Sunday 16th September 2018 had a dual purpose for #ANIMISARMY. It was the final race of the Summer series of GoTri's and also, more importantly, the graduation day for our 15 "Learn to Swim Freestyle for Triathlon" athletes.

Despite some nervous faces pre race, they all took to the water and implemented the "place, press, push" mantra and whooshed up and down the lanes. Seeing the smile on their faces as they got out of the pool, reaffirmed to me, why I coach. Then they headed off to complete one loop of the fast and flat course. A special praise must go to Wendy, Maggie and Kully who waited for each other and then completed the 2km loop together, crossing the line hand in hand. That is the true spirit of #TEAMANIMIS.

After the event, we all went to the cafe at the Pods for the presentations, with Mayor of North Lincolnshire, John Briggs. Angela Thompson was presented with the Spring series trophies for her richly deserved triumph. All of our graduates were also presented with their certificate of achievement by Mayor Briggs.

We would like to thank the BTF for their help and support in organising the "Learn to Swim Freestyle for Triathlon" course, Mayor Briggs for the presentations and all our athletes who participate in our events.

To see the full write up from Oliver at Animis Racing follow the link here - GO TRI SCUNTHORPE

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