East Midlands

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Go Tri Events in August in the East Midlands


There have been a few events in the East Midlands now and these are picking up pace all the time. Below are the events for August. These events are primarily aimed at novices but everyone is welcome.

GO TRI Events is picking up pace across the East Midlands with new clubs wanting to put events on all the time.  Below is a list of GO TRI Events that are taking place over the next 6 week period.  If you are a club member and know someone that is always talking about giving triathlon a go these are the events for them.  Small informal events that do not break the budget and are a lot of fun with smaller distances than the more common formats.

The events listed below will all be on the GO TRI website www.gotri.org or on the Triathlon England Events page www.triathlonengland.org/take-part/events

Date Event Type of Event Location
20/7/14 Lincoln Triathlon Pool Triathlon Lincoln
20/7/14 Absolute Aquathon Pool Aquathon Nottingham
4/8/14 Sleaford Aquathon Pool Aquathon Sleaford
17/8/14 GO TRI Leicester Classic Pool Triathlon Leicester
17/8/14 Broxtowe Duathlon Duathlon Nottingham
27/8/14 Mallory Park Triathlon Open Water Triathlon Leicester
1/9/14 Sleaford Aquathon Pool Aquathon Sleaford
3/9/14 Mallory Park Triathlon Open Water Triathlon Leicester
6/9/14 GO TRI Stanton Lakes Open Water Triathlon Leicester
6/9/14 Colwick Park OW Aquathon Open Water Aquathon Nottingham

To sign up for these events go to the GO TRI website.  Once registered click on the race you want to do and register.  You will then get your own race band sent to you in the post free of charge.

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