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Go Tri Leicester Classic


Introducing a brand new Go-Tri Event to Leicester, organised by Leicester Triathlon Club in conjunction with Leicester City Council. The race takes place on 17th August 2014 with two races taking place with the first off at 8.00am. The race route takes you through Leicester Castle and the old town.

It’s not about being the quickest or having the latest gear.  It’s about taking it at your own pace and having fun! The race distances are nice and short, designed to introduce you to Triathlon in a fun and friendly way.

Swim: 200 Metres / Bike: 6 Miles / Run: 1 Mile

The event starts at the Queen Elizabeth II Leisure Centre, before taking to the bike and run routes.  It all takes place around Western Boulevard and Castle Gardens on closed roads.

Entries cost £15 and you’ll get a finishers T-shirt and goody bag for taking part.

Plus, all participants will be treated to a ‘Pint and Pie’ upon completion and you can then relax and watch the top professional cycling teams compete in the Leicester Castle Classic, an exciting race taking place along the Mile Straight and Castle Gardens.

Why Not Give It A Go! Enter Now!



 To enter – please visit www.entrycentral.com/GOTRIleicester



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