East Midlands

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New East Midlands Chair elected


The East Midlands Regional Committee hosted their AGM on Sunday 6th November at Charnwood College in Loughborough. Jamie Gordon has been elected as the new Chair and he posted a message below;

“At the AGM on the 6th of November, I was elected as the Chair for the following year and I would like to take this opportunity to put on record the committee’s thanks for the massive contribution Paul Aubrey, Aimee Stocker, Sarah Brayer and Mhairi Billington have made to the region over the past several years. Without their effort’s little of what we take for granted in the region, would be as good as it is.

After the AGM, we celebrated the Annual Workforce Awards together with recognising the winners of the 2017 Children Series, our Tri-Stars of the future. To the individuals who won a workforce award, thank you for your hard work, without coaches, volunteers and official’s we couldn’t race, so thank you. For those athletes who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their series age group, may I add my heartfelt congratulations and wish you all the best for a great season next year. I look forward to seeing your progress in the sport. 

With the winter nights drawing in and the ‘off season’ in full swing, it is time for us to start to plan for 2017 and with this in mind, please can you give some thought as to what you would like us, your Regional Committee, to concentrate on for the coming year? How can we help you to achieve the best for 2017? Please email me and let me know".

With kind regards

Jamie Gordon


Triathlon England - East Midlands Regional Committee

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