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Triathlon England Conference - 14th November


The Triathlon England Conference returns for 2020 on Saturday 14 November and will delivered virtually, with no cost to attend.

The conference will include workshops, the Youth Forum's ‘Year in Review’ and AGM, as well as keynote speeches from Ben Bright (British Triathlon Olympic Coach) and Mike Cavendish (British Triathlon Performance Director).

The day will culminate in the Triathlon England Awards which will recognise the many volunteers, coaches and events that make our sport great. The awards will also include a Q&A with Sophie Coldwell.

The day provides an opportunity to speak to and ask questions of Triathlon England and British Triathlon staff and Board members.


11         Andy Salmon welcome and open conference

11.05    Ben Bright and Mike Cavendish Keynote

11.45    Workshops

12.45    Lunch break

1.15      Youth Forum Year in Review

1.30      AGM

2.30      Conference Q&A (May well start earlier depending on AGM content)

3           Break

3.30      Awards ceremony

For more information on the AGM, workshops available and how to book follow this link Triathlon England Conference 

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