East Midlands

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Volunteer Coaching Opportunities


Charnwood Triathlon Club are seeking volunteer coaches to help with junior swimming training sessions.

Charnwood Triathlon Club are advertising for volunteer coaches to help run their Monday evening junior swimming training session at Welbeck College in Loughborough.


Coach for all swimming training sessions.

Provide support for current coaches.

Help support and sustain the junior section of the club.

Attendance to coach meetings every 6-8 weeks.

Show a willingness to learn and develop as a triathlon coach.


Opportunity to work as part of an excellent coaching team at grass roots level in a vibrant and leading local triathlon club.

Access to the adult swim sessions.

Complimentary membership to the club.

Opportunity to learn and develop skills in the running and cycling disciplines of triathlon.


The successful candidate must hold at least a British Triathlon Level 1 or Level 2 Swimming qualification.


Please contact Kirsty Hillier on kirstyhillier@britishtriathlon.org

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