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Ladies go wild at Triathlon Pink, Basildon


3rd August saw the East Region host one of 6 national Triathlon Pink Women only events at Basildon Sporting Village

.  This event had 3 distances, short, medium and long and attracted 100 new women into the sport.  For most it was their first ever Triathlon and it was great to see all shapes, sizes and ages take to our wonderful sport.  30 of the women were treated to a free novice pre race training day which was paid for by Triathlon England and run by Zena and Janice from East Essex Tri.  Thanks to them as we received great feedback that it gave many of them the confidence to actually turn up and do the event.

There are plenty more short distance events still taking place, so if you want to try and inspire a friend or family then please look on the events page: http://www.triathlonengland.org/take-part/events/find-an-event?event_name=&postcode=&type=&region=4&event_date_from=&event_date_to=&championship_type=&event_quality_mark=&competitor_type=&=Filter

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