Newham Leisure Centre
281 Prince Regent Lane
E13 8SD
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We have teamed up with activeNewham to put on this aquathlon (swim-run) event. The event is for everyone and especially aimed at those that would like to give something new a try.
There are two races, one for children (aged 11 years old to 16 years old) and another for adult's (over 16 years old).Note that your age is how old you are on 31st December 2018.
An aquathlon is a swim followed by a run, with no stopping between.
The children's event is a 100m swim (4 lengths) followed by a 1km run (2.5 laps of the athletics track.) If you'd like to be considered for the activeNewham London Youth Games Squad then tick the box on the entry form.
The adult's event is a 200m swim (8 lengths) and then a 2km run (5 laps of the athletics track.) The children's event is FREE and the adult's event is £5.
The children's event will start at 5pm and the adult's event at 7pm.
For more information on the event or the London Youth Games please contact Lisa Brivati ([email protected])