Leybourne Lakes Country Park
Malling Road
ME20 6AA
Looking to enter? Scroll to the race you wish to enter and click Enter Event or Enter Event with Organiser.
Need to buy a Race Pass? Scroll to the race you have entered and click 'Buy Race Pass'. You must scroll and purchase the Race Pass for the race you have entered. If the Buy Race Pass option is not available please contact your event organiser using the contact details at the bottom of the page.
This is a Junior Series South East Regional Qualifier AQUATHLON.
This is a beautiful open water race suitable for TRISTAR novices, age group athletes. It is suitable to set first time PB's, training for mass start swims at a larger event or completing a 1st open water swim. The run is either 500m or 750m loops where you will pass your cheering collegues and parents.
It is advisable to be confident in open water swimming and ideally to have completed an induction at an open water venues. Please ensure you read the section in the race pack about open water swimming and caustions around open water swimming.
About the Course
The swim is at the east end of Leybourne's large Ocean Lake. Entry and exit is via a concrete ramp into shallow water so you can acclimatise to the water temperature. The run course is on a mix of grass track and hard packed trail around a lake within a Green Flag Award Country Park.
There is an on-line athlete's race pack for you to download with important information associated with this race.http://www.oceanlaketri.co.uk/race-information.html
HEALTH RULES APPLY. If you unwell or have cold or flu symptoms please do the right thing and withdraw from the event. The Club's policy is to repay your entry fee so you are not financially pressured to take part - there will be another chance. Ideally you must advise us 72hrs before the start time.
Entry Permissions for Young Persons
Event Consent Form for U18's
U16s MUST arrive with a CONSENT FORM and have a responsible adult present throughout the event. Minimum Age of entry 14 years (on the date of the event). An event consent form must be completed by the parent, carer, or guardian if a young person is entered and the form is to be presented to the registration team.
Young People aged 16-17 (at the time of event) and vulnerable adults - it is good practice (not mandatory) to complete the Consent Form. Anyone under 18 at the date of the event and vulnerable adults must register with a responsible adult who will be in attendance throughout the event.
The event organiser reserves the right to refuse any participant entry to an event at any time up to the start of the event.