Swim Bike Run: 5 Daily Morning Habits for a Productive Day


More of a night owl? You’re not alone! Studies show that 30% of us struggle with early starts and feel most productive in the wee hours.

Add endless screen time and the stresses of daily life into the mix, and that snooze button is oh-so enticing.

While there’s no one way to start the day, rolling out of bed and main-lining coffee is not a recipe for productivity.

It’s all about making time for you and what makes you feel good.

Whether heading to the office, working from home, or working on a new personal best, here are a few habits to boost your mood and set yourself up for a day of success.

1. Stretch


This, along with SPF, is one your older self will thank you for. 

Your morning stretch routine only needs to last five to ten minutes, but will get your blood pumping, relieve any tension from the night before, and set you up for a lifetime of better posture. 

And the best part? 

There are tons of energising stretches that can be done from the comfort of your duvet.

2. Hydrate


Happy mornings are all about little wins. 

Set yourself the target of drinking three cups of water, and alongside increased energy, higher metabolism, and fewer toxins, you’ll enjoy the dopamine hit of achieving a goal. 

For an added boost of vitamins, try blitzing some veggies into a healthy and hydrating juice. 

All that greenery is great for your hair and skin!

3. Journal


One of the simplest ways to boost productivity is to track it. 

Take a few minutes in the morning to set your intentions for the day and get any negative thoughts and worries out of your head and onto the page while you’re at it. 

Whether you jot down your professional, personal, or fitness goals, looking back at past entries will make you realise how far you’ve come!

4. Get Outside


If you work from home, it can be easy to go from bed to desk to sofa and back. Break the cycle by going for a brisk stroll first thing. 

Prefer to lounge? 

Drink your morning cuppa in the early morning sunshine and soak up the vitamin D.

If you work in an office, why not switch up your commute by jumping off a few stops early and strolling the rest of the way with your favourite tunes blasting? 

Or, for a serious hit of endorphins, cycle in. 

You’ll find you sleep better and have more energy overall.

5. Have Breakfast

Not much of a ‘breakfast person’?

Trust us, you’ll feel a whole lot better and way more productive when you’re not running on empty. 

Porridge is great for slow-release energy to keep you going.

Whether you favour the humble bowl of cereal or the charm of a simply buttered slice of toast, you should give yourself a pat on the back each time to fuel your day.

Want to make the most of your weekend mornings? 

Make your move and sign up for a Swim Bike Run activity near you here.

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