Swim Bike RUN: Sole Searching: Why Proper Running Shoes Are a New Runner's Best Friend


From Couch Potato to Fleet of Foot: We're Here for It!


All you newbies on the track! 

Maybe you've been in your regular old trainers, wondering why seasoned runners obsess over their specialised shoes. Or you're lacing up for the first time, filled with questions and some trepidation. 

(Either way, ditch those canvas trainers.)

Consider us as your running welcoming committee! 

Yes, the world of running shoes can be as vast as a marathon but don't sweat it—literally. 

We’re here to guide you on why proper footwear isn’t just a nice-to-have; it's essential.

Top 5 Reasons Why Proper Running Shoes Matter


1. Goodbye, Pain; Hello, Comfort!

Have you ever tried jogging in unsuitable shoes? Ouch, right? Bad footwear can lead to blisters, corns, and even toenail issues. Good running shoes cradle your feet like a newborn, providing comfort with every step.

2. Support Where It Counts

Arch support isn't just a buzzword. It’s the difference between running like a gazelle and hobbling like a wounded deer. Inadequate support can lead to painful conditions like plantar fasciitis. So, when choosing your running shoes, always think: support, support, support!

3. Injury Prevention

Not to scare you, but improper shoes can lead to chronic injuries. Think knee pain, shin splints, and hip problems. The right shoes act like your personal security detail, shielding you from unwanted injuries.


4. Enhancing Performance

The correct running shoes are your co-pilots, designed to help you fly across the terrain. Their design, cushioning, and weight can shave precious seconds—or even minutes—off your run.

5. Longevity

A good pair of running shoes can last you longer than that love affair you had with the gym last January. We're talking hundreds of miles. It’s an investment worth making.

Know What to Look For

Materials: Aim for breathable fabrics like cotton, polyester, rayon or lycra. No one wants a foot sauna while running.

Design: Look for a flexible sole and a secure but not overly tight fit around your heel and midfoot.

Support: Seriously, we can't stress this enough. Pay attention to the arch and ankle support. You can also opt for bespoke insoles for extra support designed specifically for your feet!

Other Features: Some shoes even offer specialised features like shock absorption or water resistance.


Some Pro Tips

Try Before You Buy: Always try running shoes on in the morning or evening (your feet swell during the day).

Bring Your Running Socks: Don't try shoes on with thin dress socks. Bring the socks you’ll actually wear for running.

Know When to Say Goodbye: Even the best running shoes have a mileage limit. If you start feeling less support and comfort, it’s probably time for a new pair.


New runners, your feet are the foundation of your journey, so give them the VIP treatment they deserve. 

Armed with the perfect pair of running shoes, you'll be unstoppable. 

What are you waiting for? 

Take that step, or rather, that run, into your new life. 

On your marks, get set, go find those shoes! 

Make your mark and sign up for Swim Bike Run activities near you here. 

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