North West

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CPD and Workshops


The NW region have held numerous courses and Workshops over the past 3 months

Courses and workshops held:

A First Aid course 

Run technique workshop 

Faults and corrections in swimming workshop

LTO course

Nutrition seminar


There is still a Para triathlon coaching workshop to be held on Saturday 21st March 2015

Description of the course:

This course is for all qualified coaches within the BTF system, and ideally suited for coaches operating within the club system.

It aims to increase awareness of paratriathlon, the different types of disabilities that compete, and aims to give practical advice and coaching tips for the wide variety people who could take part.

It’s a mixture of academic class room based study, and practical delivery using kit and equipment to give coaches a real experience of coaching paratriathletes.

You will need to be:

·         A member of  Triathlon England (or Wales or Scotland)

You will need to bring:

·         Packed lunch and drinks

·         Clothing suitable for practical sessions (you will be inside)

Course places are limited to 16 people, this course is shared across the whole of the North regions.

To book online for the course please click here


If anyone would like to be added to the distribution list for further courses and workshops please email




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