South East

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2018 Round Up


Its been a great year for the South East Region and here is a quick round up.

There are currently 65 clubs in the region which is an increase on 2016. South East Club of the year was won by Tri Surrey who were also the first club in the region to become TriMark Bronze.

We saw some great club projects such as Medways GO TRI Couch to Sprint Tri project and Brit Tre supporting the GO TRI Open Water swim sessions in partnership with The Brighton and Hove Triathlon.

Medway also had one of its coaches Dean Painter win a national award of Childrens Coach of the Year.


We have a great number of events in the region, a massive 142. The National Middle Distance and National Sprint distance being held, plus a number of qualifying events.

There were 54 GO TRI events with #TakePartBighton hosted by BRI TRI having over 110 people take part was amazing!


3 level 1 courses and 2 level 2 coaching courses were delivered and all of the courses were sold out. This meant that the committee were able to offer coaching bursaries to clubs to help them with their work force.

Two Community TriActivator (Ride/Run leader) courses also brought a whole new bunch of people who already love our share their passion help others get into Triathlon.


Our volunteers have been fantastic as always this year with a great group of Technical Officials lead by Clare Donovan giving their time to support events.

We also had some brilliant winners at the South East Regional Awards with two local winners at the National Awards. Well done Dean Painter and 32i Eastbourne Triathlon!

The Junior had a brilliant series and claim victory once again against London in the IRD.

The AGM was packed with clubs having great fun receiving their awards and the trophies from the Senior Series. At the AGM we said a big thank you to those stepping down from the committee, Paul Hedger and Graham Kempster.

We said a say good bye to our Chair of the committee Matt Honey and thank him for all the hard effort he has put in over the years. We say a big hello to the new Chair Santi Barge and look forward to what the next year brings.

I hope you all have fun over the Holidays and don’t train too hard!



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