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Fantastic Swim Smooth Day at Shepperton


A great day was had by all recently at the Open Water Training day run by Triathlon England in partnership with Swim Smooth.

On Sunday 15th June, Swim Smooth and Triathlon England delivered an open water training day at the stunning Shepperton Open Water Swim venue. 

The training day was designed to give triathletes and swimmers of all abilities the opportunity to maximise their time in open water by receiving expert coaching from world renowned Swim Smooth Accredited Coaches.

The day consisted of two sessions. The Novice session was aimed at first time open water swimmers who wanted to improve their relaxation and confidence in the open water whilst learning how to master the essential skills of sighting and drafting. The Intermediate Session was aimed at those triathletes or open water swimmers who felt confident in the water and swimming in groups but wanted to learn the extra skills and techniques to give them the edge.

The day was supported by Triathlon England level 2 coaches, who kindly gave up their time to provide coaching support and to shadow the Swim Smooth coaches.

One participant summed up her experience with "the session this afternoon in Shepperton was fantastic. I really really enjoyed it, very professional and such good value."

This is the first Triathlon England event taking place at Shepperton Open Water Swim this Summer. Shepperton will also be running an Aquathlon Series for all abilities on a Thursday evening and a GO TRI aquathlon series for beginners to the sport on a Sunday. Make sure you take a trip down to this superb venue in the South East.


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