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February's Club Bio!


For the second installment of our club biography feature we venture to West Sussex and give you an initiation into Horsham Tri Club (or HTC as they are known locally).

For the second instalment of our club biography feature we venture to West Sussex and give you an initiation into Horsham Tri Club (or HTC as they are known locally).

Currently comprising of around 85 members, the club has grown steadily since its inception in 2012. Although a little cheesy, its ethos of ‘fun, friendship & enjoyment’ is a bit of a mantra for many of its members who although love the multisport world, do accept there is life outside of Triathlon (seriously!) and the club is just a sociable outside of sessions & competitions.

A particular drive of the club has been at the grassroots level with a belief that we all have to start somewhere. When asked about this, Head Coach, Chris Keeler entered into an enthusiastic 10 minute answer which can fortunately be summarised to

“We will take anyone on and help them develop. If someone makes the initial effort to turn up to a session then we know we’ve got someone who actually wants to be there. Then it’s up to us as BTF coaches to help develop each individual to be as much as they want to be. Whether that’s just to stay a little more active in life or become an age grouper and represent their country.”

Based out of Pavilions in the Park in central Horsham, the club runs weekly coached swim, track & studio cycling sessions as well as lake swimming in the fairer months, core & pilates lessons, trail runs, members cycling TT’s as well as sociable bike rides (both on & off-road) in seemingly any weather.

A club drive for the off-season this year was to get as many members a possible to train for and run a half marathon. Due to this, 36 HTC members will be stepping up to the start line of Brighton Half on 29th February, many having never run that distance before.

For 2016, the club is continuing with its GO TRI commitment and running 7 Aquathlons with the first taking place on 2nd April as well as assisting Hedgehog Tri with the hugely successful Horsham Youth Tri which this year takes place on the 19th June.

Links to external sources & for further information

Web address


If you would like your club Bio to be featured or if you feel you have any interesting stories/information you’d like highlighted within the South East region please email Graham.

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