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The Sun Shines for the Maidstone Duathlon


One hundred competitors gathered at Harrietsham Village Hall on Sunday 1st March for the start of the Maidstone Duathlon.

Many triathleres see the Kent based duathlon as the real start to the racing season, and it was great to see so many smiling faces as they set off in the Spring sunshine.

The event starts off with a 9.5km run, followed by a fast 42km bike course (on a time trial route), finished with a 3.5km run, including a bit of a climb!

The Maidstone Duathlon is organised by Velocity events, who also offer a whole host of other events in Kent. Triathlon England are working with Mike Hawkins (of Velocity Events) to ensure all the events are permitted for 2015, and to support in terms of venue access, promotion and branding.

Regional Manager, Jenny Vincent attended the event and commented "It has been a fantastic morning and we have been absolutely blessed with the weather. It has been great to see so many triathletes representing their clubs, and for me to be able to demonstrate Triathlon England's support to Velocity Events. I look forward to supporting Mike throughout 2015, and this will help to see an increased number of Triathlon England permitted events in Kent."

The next Velocity event is the Maidstone Sprint Triathlon, taking place on Sunday 3rd May. For more information click here.

You can see the results from the Maidstone Duathlon here.

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