South East

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Triathlon England Open Water Training Day Coming Soon


Whether you’re training for your first Open Water event or you just want to gain some new Open Water skills, then this day will be perfect for you!

Triathlon England are pleased to announce we are delivering an Open Water Swimming Training day in partnership with Swim Smooth. The training day is designed to give triathletes and swimmers of all abilities the opportunity to maximise their time in open water by receiving expert coaching from world renowned Swim Smooth Accredited Coaches.

Each training day consists of two sessions. The Novice session is aimed at first time open water swimmers who want to improve their relaxation and confidence in the open water whilst learning how to master the essential skills of sighting and drafting. The Intermediate Session is aimed at those triathletes or open water swimmers who feel confident in the water and swimming in groups but want to learn the extra skills and techniques to give them the edge.

Each session will last approximately 2 hours and include a theory presentation followed by around 45 - 60 minutes coaching in the water. 

The South East training day is taking place at the beautiful Shepperton Lake on Sunday 15th June. To book on the day please click here.

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