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Triathlon England South East Senior Series 2018 events announced.


The Senior Series events for 2018 have been announced and are:

It is difficult to include every suggestion, so apologies if your suggested event is not included. The aim is to: spread events throughout the season, to ensure accessibility with a fair geographic distribution and a range of different events and to attract the maximum participation so that the Senior Series encourages participation as much as it does competition. We have also had an eye on cost of entry and event capacity as there were some issues this year with events selling out quickly.


As a result, the number of events for 2018 has been increased from 5 to 6 as follows: 







Medway Duathlon 



Saturday 28th April



Arundel Lido Sprint Triathlon



Sunday 20th May



Dartford & White Oak Sprint Triathlon



Sunday 10th June



Leeds Castle Sprint Triathlon



Saturday 23rd June


Leeds Castle Triathlon




Bewl Water Standard Triathlon



Sunday 5th August


Southwater Relays


Sunday 2nd September


Southwater triathlon sprint relays




A further email will be sent shortly with the rules, which will follow those for 2016/17, and the registration process, but I know many are currently planning their 2018 season so wanted to let everyone have the above without further delay. 

 Please send any queries to Stuart at

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