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Upcoming Academy Selection Day


On Sunday 14th September 2014, the South East Regional Academy will hold selection trials for the 2014-15 season.


The academy selection day presents a number of opportunities:

1) For existing Academy Squad members:

a. To achieve eligibility for selection to the England Talent Squad

b. To retain their position on the Academy Squad.

2) For new emerging talented athletes to gain selection onto the Academy Squad or an Affiliate Squad.

3) For Academy Coaches to identify athletes with future potential to gain selection onto the South East Regional Academy Squad or the Affiliate Squad.

Applications and Invitations to Attend the Trials

Athletes who will be aged 14-18 years in 2014 can submit their applications to the email address below. Applications will be screened and those athletes whose performance standards in swimming and running meet or exceed the minimum levels required will be invited to attend the trials.

To download the application form please click here

The cut off date for submission of applications is 10th September 2014.

If you have any questions about applying for the selection trials please contact Regional Head Coach Sarah Coope @ .

For information on the required standards please click here

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