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Triathlon England West Midlands Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The West Midlands AGM will be held on Thursday 8th October 2015

We would be delighted if your club is represented by one or two members. This really is your opportunity to hear what has happened in the region on your behalf, provide feedback and steer the future direction.

You are politely reminded that it is an undertaking provided by each registered club and certainly for all Starmark clubs to attend the AGM. Note, all attendees must be Triathlon England members. For more details of our membership, please click here; Remember even if you dont partcipate or train, you can still become member for just £24 for the year and still recieve the benefits listed here.

When - The Regional AGM will be held on Thursday 8th October 2015 at 7.15pm.  

Venue - CLIFF LAKES, Tamworth Road, Tamworth,  Warwickshire B78 2DL

Nominations - As part of the committee meeting nominations will be accepted for roles on the committee.  Whilst some members of the committee will offer to continue their role, we are very keen to hear from members of your clubs that wish to consider a role on the committee.

It is our real objective to have as much representation across all clubs and, if possible, triathletes who are not members of clubs - represented on the committee.  Please help by discussing the AGM in your club, and if you could find someone to be nominated.

Committee Roles
Triathlon England Representative 
Volunteers / Officials Coordinator (currently a joint role unless two separate people nominate) 
Academy Liaison 
Young Persons Coordinator 
Moto Officials Coordinator
plus 2 non-portfolio roles 
Please see full volunteer descriptions here
It may be of interest to some members as it can be advantageous on CVs to have experience in voluntary roles.
If you wish to make any nominations for committee representation, please let us know via our email address westmidstri@triathlonengland.org by 1st October 2015.
We look forward to meeting up on the 8th October at the AGM.


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