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Do you work in Leeds? Need help with your commute? Interested in loaning a free bike?


Find information on our new pop up bike hub in Leeds city centre.

Connecting Leeds bike hub.

We’ve set up a temporary bike hub at the Kirkgate Market 1981 hall. Our bike hub is open Monday to Friday between 7:30am to 6pm. 

The hub will be open until 2 October 2020. 

What you can do at the bike hub.

Join our bike hub for £10 by becoming a member. You'll get access to a great range of services and support related to your bike. This includes:

  • secure bike storage at the hub for members between Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 6pm, or for £1 a day if you're not a member
  • help and advice on how to maintain your bike
  • use of our pump to inflate your bike tyres regularly
  • being able to oil your bike chain
  • access to maps, information, getting around Leeds and general cycling advice

This is all within a safe and secure environment while you work, shop or play in the city.

Become a bike hub member

Become a member of our Connecting Leeds bike hub for £10. Membership will be until 2 October 2020. 

Click here.

Bike loan

We also loan bikes out free of charge from the hub. Register your interest for this by emailing bikehub@leeds.gov.uk.


Visit leeds.gov.uk/bikehub for further details.

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