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Regional Technical Officials Course Funding Available!


Are you already a LTO? Would you like to build on your experienced gained as a LTO? New RTO course Sat 23rd Feb 2013


The Y & H and NE Regional committees are looking to expand their Technical Officials at Local, Regional and National level and to provide workshops and seminars for all to improve standards. With this in mind, both committee's have funds available to support these initiatives. To any LTO wishing to move up to the next level RTO (and we hope you all are) we will pay any fees applicable, provide support and mentoring and pay £100 towards expenses once you have qualified and completed your shadows. In addition, since the course is in Washington (NE) the Y & H R Committee will pay travel expenses at 30p per mile to all the attendees from our region; however, so that the money we have goes as far as we are able, could I ask that you talk to each other and arrange to car share wherever possible?
Since there are likely to be less RTO's in a position to take the NTO qualification, could I ask that you contact me direct and we will see what additional support we can offer?
In addition, we are looking to recruit new LTO and MTO this year and have a support package in place for both. If there are any officials who for whatever reason, have not completed their qualifications and would like to, please let us know? We sent an email out to all the known club contacts asking them to publicise our initiative and Michelle is in the process of setting up an LTO course in York around February the 16th (TBC) and Steve Annakin has kindly agreed to be the Y & H R MTO coordinator this year. Steve will be allocating motor cycle officials to events, recruiting new officials and mentoring them through their qualification period. I am delighted to welcome Steve onboard and we wish him well with this project - the role we do is complementary and it is vital we work together as one team.
Triathlon England
Regional Technical Officials Course
Saturday 23rd February 2013
At Biddick School Sports College, Washington.
Are you already a Local Technical Official? Would you like to build on your experienced gained as a LTO?
Then why not start the next step on the officiating pathway!
Following the successful completion of the theoretical and practical elements candidates will be eligible to officiate as the chief official at open water events and be part of the officiating team at British Triathlon and Triathlon England Major Events.
The training consists of:-
 a half day course
 an associated knowledge tester
 the completion of two shadows of qualified officials at two open water events
 be a minimum of 18 years of age
 hold a Home Nation membership, of associate level or above
 have fully completed the LTO qualification
 have been the chief official at a minimum of two events, or assisted at a minimum of four events, since qualifying as an LTO
If you are interested in becoming a RTO, then please complete the RTO application form which can be down loaded at: http://www.britishtriathlon.org/england/get-involved/officials/find-an-officials-course
and return it to Michelle Scott; michellescott@triathlonengland.org

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