

Club Affiliation Submission
Total Price: £165.00

Club details

If you have junior members, you will need to affiliate as a community or sponsored triathlon club.

Club Social Media

Club members details

Club Members

Club Address details

Important - Please provide an address for the club's main training venue.
Please do not provide a home or other personal address.

Club Contact

Club Primary Contact

Club Chairperson Details

Club Secretary Details

Club Treasurer Details

Club Welfare details

Club Welfare Officer Details

All Club Welfare Officers must have a valid DBS and have attended Time to Listen Training, both within the past three years.
Please ensure details provided match those provided for your DBS application and certificate

It is mandatory for Welfare offices to attend this training before yours clubs affiliation is approved. Training can be booked here -

ClubSpark Details

ClubSpark Details

ClubSpark Contact Details

Club Activities Details


Club Open Water Details

Open Water Activity

Club Coaches Details

British Triathlon Coaches

Please name all the triathlon coaches that take training sessions for your club, include their British Triathlon membership number. In order to meet the criteria the minimum your club needs is at least one British Triathlon Level 1 triathlon coach (post October 2016) or higher qualified British Triathlon triathlon coach.

You do not need to produce copies of certificates, we will consult our records to see the highest level British Triathlon triathlon coaching qualification held by those named.

Please note that your triathlon coaches will need to have a valid Home Nation membership to be insured.

Coaches working with juniors should attend a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop, those working with only adults should attend a Coaching Adults at Risk workshop. Workshops can be booked by visiting our website -

Note: All coaches working with juniors or adults at risk, on a regular basis, must hold a valid British Triathlon DBS. For further information, please contact [email protected].

Single Discipline Coaches (example: swim, run coach etc..)

Please give their name and the highest qualification held in the table below.

When we do the club visit prior to awarding TriMark Bronze accreditation we will need to see proof of their highest coaching qualification and a valid membership of that sport’s governing body, or evidence they are insured to coach.

All single discipline coaches will need to have a DBS check done through British Triathlon. Please contact [email protected] to arrange a DBS check.

Please ensure the first name and last name of the coaches exactly matches that of the details entered on the coach's DBS certificate.

Coaches working with juniors should attend a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop, those working with only adults should attend a Coaching Adults at Risk workshop. Workshops can be booked by visiting our website -

Club Activator Details

Activators and Leaders

Please name all the Activators and Leaders that lead swim, bike or run sessions for your club. Include their British Triathlon membership number and last name.

Please note that your Activators and Leaders will need have a valid British Triathlon membership to be insured.

Activators and Leaders working with juniors should attend a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop, those working with only adults should attend a Coaching Adults at Risk workshop. Workshops can be booked by visiting our website -

Note: Activators and Leaders with DBS checks will need to have sent a copy of the DBS check to [email protected]

User Agreement

User Agreement

You have a right to be informed about how your personal data is being used. You can see full information on how we use your personal data within our privacy notice.


Club Affiliation Submission
Total Price: £165.00

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