East Midlands

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GO TRI events in your area in September, October and November


As the cooler weather starts to loom and triathlon season for some comes to an end there are still lots of events taking place in the East Midlands into October!

Take a look at these GO TRI events happening around the region

Why not sign up and give them a go!



14th September - Go TRI Clumber Park 

15th September - GO TRI ACTIVE Open Water Swim Nottingham

16th September - GO TRI Scunthorpe

22nd September - GO TRI Aquathlon Team Relay Colwick Park

22nd September - GO TRI Aquathlon Colwick Park 

22nd September - GO TRI Junior Aquathlon Colwick Park

22nd September - GO TRI ACTIVE Open Water Swim Nottingham

23rd September - GO TRI Boston Tri Club Adult and Junior

14th October - GO TRI Moorgreen Duathlon 

21st October - GO TRI Family Aquathlon Bingham

10th November - GO TRI UoN Duathlon Nottingham


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